Producer Profile

Get started with AgSpire to learn more about our programs and how you can maximize the benefits of regenerative agriculture. Fill out your Producer Profile below. Providing additional information about your operation allows us to improve our program and practice recommendations.

A member of our team will contact you with more information and next steps. Questions? Email; or call or text (605) 675-7255.

If you choose to provide us with your email address or any other personally identifiable information, we will use it only to send you information on AgSpire or respond to your query. If you choose to unsubscribe, you’ll stop receiving any emails. All information submitted is subject to our Privacy Policy

To help match you with the best programs, please select all commodities you've grown in the last five years.
To help match you with the best programs, please select all types of livestock you've raised in the last five years.
Please approximate total acreage owned and/or leased to the best of your knowledge, including acres out of production or in conservation.
Please estimate your average herd size over the last five years.
What, if any, sustainable or regenerative practices have you utilized in the last five years?
What sustainable or regenerative practices are you interested in trying or expanding in the next five years?
Do you have interest in a specific program managed by AgSpire? May select more then one.
Have you participated in a government, NGO, or private-market cost-share, incentive, or carbon credit program?
To help match you with program opportunities, please select any of the following that apply, or select unsure:
Historically Underserved, includes:

  • Limited Resource Farmer or Rancher: With direct or indirect gross farm sales not more than the current indexed value in each of the previous two years and who has a total household income at or below the national poverty level for a family or four, or less than 50 percent of county median household income in each of the previous two years.
  • Socially Disadvantaged Farmer of Rancher: Individual or entity who is a member of a group whose members have been subject to racial or ethnic prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities, which may include: American Indians or Alaskan Natives, Asians, Blacks or African Americans, Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders, Hispanics. For an entity, at least 50 percent ownership must be held by socially disadvantaged individuals
  • Beginning Farmer or Rancher: Has not operated a farm or ranch, or who has operated a farm or ranch for no more than 10 consecutive years and who will materially and substantially participate in the operation of the farm or ranch.
  • Female Farmer or Rancher: at least 50% female ownership
  • Veteran Farmer or Rancher: Served in the United Sates Military and was released from service under conditions other than dishonorable and has not operated a farm or ranch, or has operated a farm or ranch for no more than 10 years
  • Small Producers: Generally those with less than $350,00 in annual gross cash farm income